This is NOT a comprehensive list (provided by Kelly Donnellan)

Moby the DJ offers free music for independent filmmakers and students at his site.
Royalty-Free Free Music at NO Cost

A comprehensive collection of High End Broadcast production music spanning all the popular musical genres, available for download either on-line or for purchase on CD. If you are using Freeplay Music for Educational, Non-Commercial use (limited to student use on school grounds and classroom - non broadcast) then Freeplay's musical compositions and recordings may be used (broadcast, synchronized and/or copied) without fee. These reproduction rights, known as master synchronization rights, are absolutely FREE and are granted in perpetuity, provided Freeplay is accorded appropriate screen credit as follows, on a most favored nations basis with all other music providers: "Music Provided By". In addition, provided the first broadcast appears on a U.S. National Network Broadcast (non Cable Broadcast), then Videocassette/DVD Master Recording and Synchronization rights fees are also FREE.
Free sound FX and music loops.

Inexpensive stock music and sounds.

Individual Composers:

Website of a musician who wants to make music for film. Free downloads of his music tracks.

Music composer Peter John Ross offers 20 pieces of his music for free download. The ambient piece I listened to was pretty good!

Another composer offering his music for free and no royalties online. Beautiful impressionistic improvisational piano pieces by William Cushman.

All kinds of free stuff - music tracks, background graphics, sound FX...

Public Music Project offers more free music for use by filmmakers, DJs and others! Good links to more free music! Royalty-free music ranging from piano solos to orchestral to hip-hop. Suggested donation of $5 per piece is appreciated. Credit has to be given to the composer Kevin MacLeod. His site has useful links to more free music!
John Keltonic of JDK Music Production. You can download samples from his website, but one of his CDs will also be uploaded on the FCP stations 117, 119 and 221 at MPC. (804) 272-6777

Royalty-Free Music for a Price $$$
Search through their catalog of ready-made music that can be customized to your own needs. You can also work with their own composers or get help from them to find music that you need. To download, you have to register for a free membership. Prices are negotiable. For info email: or call 202-345-7858.
Music tracks and music loops suitable for use in films, websites, presentations…etc. Prices: $14.95-49.95
It's royalty free and low priced: individual full-length MP3s for $29.95 and less. Otherwise they sell individual CDs or packages of CDs or the entire library. Free audio loop downloads.
Online record label that lets customers decide how much they want to pay for music! You can stream for free, then you can buy the CD for $5-18, but suggested price is $8. The label signed about 24 unknown artists. A good way to support artists (they get 50% royalty from Magnatune.) No paid license is required for non-commercial/school use. For commercial movie production, calculate quote on the site.
Music loops ranging in price between $3.95-$14.95
Music track downloads from $19.99, sound FX from $1.98.
Great variety of styles and genres, it’s probably impossible not to find something you need on this website. For quote, call 626-304-1698.
The Metro Music Production Library is generally regarded as the best small production library in the industry. Our goal is to provide a quality and originality of music that cannot be found anywhere else. The catalog contains all original titles, fully cleared and ready to license for your film, video, or interactive project.

For licensing quotes, contact 212-229-1700  or 800-697-7392or email (Production blanket for a 10min film costs $200, minus 10% student discount= $180. They are very willing to work with film students!) is the first and largest online sound effects library on the Internet. It offers sound effects, production music, samples and loops and other features. Prices depend on the length, supplier and file settings, but range from a few dollars to $60-70 per piece. Previewing and purchasing is easy, though - not need to wait for a quote.
A music library for prestigious TV clients. Pricing is customized to individual projects and, given the fame of the library, it probably isn’t cheap.
They offer CDs, as well as individual tracks for $19.95, but first you have to purchase and install a soundtrack creation software Sonicfire Pro. Seems like they mostly sell soundtrack creation plug-ins and software products.
APM works on a one-on-one basis with registered clients. Registration is free and provides access to searches of their library. Looks professional, but not cheap. Contact Craig Giummarra, Tel: 212-856-9800; Fax: 212-856-9807; Email:
Extensive production music library. To download tracks, you must purchase a subscription. To purchase a subscription for CD-Quality cues, contact Groove Addicts: US/Canada 1.800.400.6767 Tel +1.310.572.4646 Fax +1.310.572.4647. Contact Cindy Rosmann, Tel: 310-572-4646; Fax: 310-572-4647; Email:
Music production library - you must complete and pay for Music License Application Form.
Royalty Free Music - Buyout Music - Production Music, Music on Hold - Free Background Music. Prices: $59.95 (track)-$99.95(CD)

Individual Composers (have to contact about working with AU)

User Name: lmcintyre, Password: lmcintyre

The music on this site is only a portion of my original material, with samples ranging from acoustic to house, folk, electronica, and the simply unique. My main goal for the next two years is to network and produce, to find folks in the area that are actively producing tv/fim/multimedia projects.  I will not charge "composer" prices and honestly I'm not interesting in making loads of cash from composition right now.  At this point, I am interested in finding opportunities and doing good work. 703-851-8392.
Steve Steckler, Composer for TV and Film, 301-445-3737. Contact for quota.

Public Domain Music
A website on which you can search songs that are in public domain. It also offers information on public domain and related sites.

Asks students to register and then have full access to the library.  You only pay a fee if your film is later sold commercially, otherwise it is considered fair use as student work.

Production Trax
You can download low-quality demos before you lock in the purchase. selection, some stuff cheap, some not.
One tip--the artists control the prices, and I found out the hard way
that they can fluctuate. So one day a track could be $50, the next,
$100, the next, down to $75. a huge selection but some good stuff, and it's cheap, it was only about $10/track selection, a lot of cheap stuff, their website is not the most user friendly.


rooks said…
Hi, For cheap and free royalty free music, is great - quality music for those looking for a more modern sound. Best of all the tracks are all only £0.99 and free to use however you like. Cheers Col
vonneclouie said…
Add Royalty free music loops for your listing. This has been really helpful when I'm doing my project.
GamesTribute said…
if you use some of the best hip hop drum kits you can create real beats and try to sell them on internet